Source code for colour_hdri.utilities.image

Image Data & Metadata Utilities

Defines various image data and metadata utilities classes:

-   :class:`colour_hdri.Metadata`
-   :class:`colour_hdri.Image`
-   :class:`colour_hdri.ImageStack`

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from import MutableSequence
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields

import numpy as np
from colour import read_image
from colour.hints import (
from colour.utilities import (

from colour_hdri.exposure import average_luminance
from colour_hdri.utilities.exif import (

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs] @dataclass class Metadata(MixinDataclassArray): """ Define the base object for storing exif metadata relevant to HDRI Generation. Parameters ---------- f_number Image *FNumber*. exposure_time Image *Exposure Time*. iso Image *ISO*. black_level Image *Black Level*. white_level Image *White Level*. white_balance_multipliers Image white balance multipliers, usually the *As Shot Neutral* matrix. """ f_number: Real | None = field(default_factory=lambda: None) exposure_time: Real | None = field(default_factory=lambda: None) iso: Real | None = field(default_factory=lambda: None) black_level: NDArrayFloat | None = field(default_factory=lambda: None) white_level: NDArrayFloat | None = field(default_factory=lambda: None) white_balance_multipliers: NDArrayFloat | None = field( default_factory=lambda: None )
[docs] class Image: """ Define the base object for storing an image along its path, pixel data and metadata needed for HDRIs generation. Parameters ---------- path Image path. data Image pixel data array. metadata Image exif metadata. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`colour_hdri.Image.path` - :attr:`` - :attr:`colour_hdri.Image.metadata` Methods ------- - :meth:`colour_hdri.Image.__init__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.Image.read_data` - :meth:`colour_hdri.Image.read_metadata` """ def __init__( self, path: str | None = None, data: ArrayLike | None = None, metadata: Metadata | None = None, ) -> None: self._path: str | None = None self.path = path self._data: NDArrayFloat | None = None = data self._metadata: Metadata | None = None self.metadata = metadata @property def path(self) -> str | None: """ Getter and setter property for the image path. Parameters ---------- value Value to set the image path with. Returns ------- :py:data:`None` or :class:`str` Image path. """ return self._path @path.setter def path(self, value: str | None): """Setter for the **self._path** property.""" if value is not None: attest( is_string(value), f'"path" property: "{value}" type is not "str"!', ) self._path = value @property def data(self) -> NDArrayFloat | None: """ Getter and setter property for the image data. Parameters ---------- value Value to set the image data with. Returns ------- :py:data:`None` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image data. """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value: ArrayLike | None): """Setter for the **self._data** property.""" if value is not None: attest( isinstance(value, (tuple, list, np.ndarray, np.matrix)), ( f'"data" property: "{value!r}" is not a "tuple", "list", ' f'"ndarray" or "matrix" instance!' ), ) value = as_float_array(value) self._data = value @property def metadata(self) -> Metadata | None: """ Getter and setter property for the image metadata. Parameters ---------- value Value to set the image metadata with. Returns ------- :py:data:`None` or :class:`colour_hdri.Metadata` Image metadata. """ return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, value): """Setter for the **self._metadata** property.""" if value is not None: attest( isinstance(value, Metadata), f'"metadata" property: "{value}" is not a "Metadata" instance!', ) self._metadata = value
[docs] def read_data(self, cctf_decoding: Callable | None = None) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Read image pixel data at :attr:`Image.path` attribute. Parameters ---------- cctf_decoding Decoding colour component transfer function (Decoding CCTF) or electro-optical transfer function (EOTF / EOCF). Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image pixel data. Raises ------ ValueError If the image path is undefined. """ if self._path is not None:'Reading "{path}" image.', extra={"path": self._path}) data = read_image(str(self._path)) if cctf_decoding is not None: data = cctf_decoding(data) = data return cast(NDArrayFloat, data) else: raise ValueError('The image "path" is undefined!')
[docs] def read_metadata(self) -> Metadata: """ Read image relevant exif metadata at :attr:`Image.path` attribute. Returns ------- :class:`colour_hdri.Metadata` Image relevant exif metadata. Raises ------ ValueError If the image path is undefined. """ if self._path is not None: 'Reading "{path}" image metadata.', extra={"path": self._path} ) exif_data = read_exif_tags(self._path) if not exif_data.get("EXIF"): warning( f'"{self._path}" file has no "Exif" data, metadata will ' f"be undefined!" ) self.metadata = Metadata(*[None] * 6) return self.metadata f_number = exif_data["EXIF"].get("F Number") if f_number is not None: f_number = parse_exif_number(f_number[0]) exposure_time = exif_data["EXIF"].get("Exposure Time") if exposure_time is not None: exposure_time = parse_exif_fraction(exposure_time[0]) iso = exif_data["EXIF"].get("ISO") if iso is not None: iso = parse_exif_number(iso[0]) black_level = exif_data["EXIF"].get("Black Level") if black_level is not None: black_level = parse_exif_array(black_level[0]) black_level = as_float_array(black_level) / 65535 white_level = exif_data["EXIF"].get("White Level") if white_level is not None: white_level = parse_exif_array(white_level[0]) white_level = as_float_array(white_level) / 65535 white_balance_multipliers = exif_data["EXIF"].get( "As Shot Neutral" ) if white_balance_multipliers is not None: white_balance_multipliers = parse_exif_array( white_balance_multipliers[0] ) white_balance_multipliers = ( as_float_array(white_balance_multipliers) / white_balance_multipliers[1] ) metadata = Metadata( f_number, exposure_time, iso, black_level, white_level, white_balance_multipliers, ) self._metadata = metadata return metadata else: raise ValueError('The image "path" is undefined!')
[docs] class ImageStack(MutableSequence): """ Define a convenient stack storing a sequence of images for HDRI / radiance images generation. Methods ------- - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.__init__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.__getitem__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.__setitem__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.__delitem__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.__len__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.__getattr__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.__setattr__` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.sort` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.insert` - :meth:`colour_hdri.ImageStack.from_files` """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._data: List = [] def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> Any | MutableSequence[Any]: """ Return the :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance at given index. Parameters ---------- index :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance. Returns ------- :class:`colour_hdri.Image` :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance at given index. """ return self._data[index] def __setitem__(self, index: int | slice, value: Any): """ Set given :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance at given index. Parameters ---------- index :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance index. value :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance to set. """ self._data[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index: int | slice): """ Delete the :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance at given index. Parameters ---------- index :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance index. """ del self._data[index] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return the :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instances count. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.integer` :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instances count. """ return len(self._data) def __getattr__(self, attribute: str) -> Any: """ Return the value from the attribute with given name. Parameters ---------- name Name of the attribute to get the value from. Returns ------- :class:`object` """ try: return self.__dict__[attribute] except KeyError as error: if hasattr(Image, attribute): value = [getattr(image, attribute) for image in self] if attribute == "data": return tstack(value) else: return tuple(value) # TODO: Revise then "MixinDataclassArray" is improved. elif attribute in [ for field in fields(Metadata)]: value = [getattr(image.metadata, attribute) for image in self] return as_float_array(value) else: raise AttributeError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute " f"'{attribute}'" ) from error def __setattr__(self, attribute: str, value: Any): """ Set given value to the attribute with given name. Parameters ---------- attribute Attribute to set the value of. value Value to set the attribute with. """ if hasattr(Image, attribute): if attribute == "data": data = tsplit(value) for i, image in enumerate(self): = data[i] else: for i, image in enumerate(self): setattr(image, attribute, value[i]) elif attribute in [ for field in fields(Metadata)]: for i, image in enumerate(self): setattr(image.metadata, attribute, value[i]) else: super().__setattr__(attribute, value)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, value: Any): """ Insert given :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance at given index. Parameters ---------- index :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance index. value :class:`colour_hdri.Image` class instance to set. """ self._data.insert(index, value)
[docs] def sort(self, key: Callable | None = None): """ Sort the underlying data structure. Parameters ---------- key Function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each data structure. """ self._data = sorted(self._data, key=key)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_files( image_files: Sequence[str], cctf_decoding: Callable | None = None ) -> ImageStack: """ Return a :class:`colour_hdri.ImageStack` instance from given image files. Parameters ---------- image_files Image files. cctf_decoding Decoding colour component transfer function (Decoding CCTF) or electro-optical transfer function (EOTF / EOCF). Returns ------- :class:`colour_hdri.ImageStack` """ image_stack = ImageStack() for image_file in image_files: image = Image(image_file) image.read_data(cctf_decoding) image.read_metadata() image_stack.append(image) def luminance_average_key(image: Image) -> NDArrayFloat | None: """Comparison key function.""" metadata = cast(Metadata, image.metadata) f_number = metadata.f_number exposure_time = metadata.exposure_time iso = metadata.iso if f_number is None or exposure_time is None or iso is None: warning( f'"{image.path}" exposure data is missing, average ' f"luminance sorting is inapplicable!" ) return None else: return 1 / average_luminance(f_number, exposure_time, iso) image_stack.sort(luminance_average_key) return image_stack