Source code for colour_hdri.calibration.absolute_luminance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Absolute Luminance Calibration - Lagarde (2016)

Defines *Lagarde (2016)* panoramic images absolute *Luminance* calibration

-   :func:`colour_hdri.absolute_luminance_calibration_Lagarde2016`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.upper_hemisphere_illuminance_Lagarde2016`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.upper_hemisphere_illuminance_weights_Lagarde2016`

-   :cite:`Lagarde2016b` : Lagarde, S., Lachambre, S., & Jover, C. (2016). An
    Artist-Friendly Workflow for Panoramic HDRI. Retrieved from\

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour import RGB_COLOURSPACES, RGB_luminance
from colour.utilities import as_float_array

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2015-2019 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [

def upper_hemisphere_illuminance_Lagarde2016(
        RGB, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']):
    Computes upper hemisphere illuminance :math:`E_v` of given RGB panoramic

    RGB : array_like
        *RGB* panoramic image array.
    colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional
        *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation.

        Upper hemisphere illuminance :math:`E_v`.


    >>> RGB = np.ones((16, 32, 3))
    >>> upper_hemisphere_illuminance_Lagarde2016(RGB)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    RGB = as_float_array(RGB)

    height, width, _channels = RGB.shape

    L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint)

    theta = np.linspace(0, 1, height) * np.pi

    theta_cos = np.cos(theta)[..., np.newaxis]
    theta_sin = np.sin(theta)[..., np.newaxis]

    E_v = np.sum(np.where(theta_cos > 0, L * theta_cos * theta_sin, 0))

    E_v *= 2 * np.pi ** 2 / (width * height)

    return E_v

[docs]def upper_hemisphere_illuminance_weights_Lagarde2016(height, width): """ Computes upper hemisphere illuminance weights for use with applications unable to perform the computation directly, i.e. *Adobe Photoshop*. Parameters ---------- height : int Output array height. width : int Output array width. Returns ------- ndarray Upper hemisphere illuminance weights. References ---------- :cite:`Lagarde2016b` Examples -------- >>> upper_hemisphere_illuminance_weights_Lagarde2016( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... 16, 1) array([[ 0... ], [ 4.0143297...], [ 7.3345454...], [ 9.3865515...], [ 9.8155376...], [ 8.5473281...], [ 5.8012079...], [ 2.0520061...], [ 0... ], [ 0... ], [ 0... ], [ 0... ], [ 0... ], [ 0... ], [ 0... ], [ 0... ]]) """ w = np.zeros((height, width)) theta = (np.linspace(0, 1, height) * np.pi) theta = np.tile(theta[..., np.newaxis], (1, width)) theta_cos = np.cos(theta) theta_sin = np.sin(theta) w[theta_cos > 0] = ( theta_cos[theta_cos > 0] * theta_sin[theta_cos > 0] * 2 * np.pi ** 2) return w
[docs]def absolute_luminance_calibration_Lagarde2016( RGB, measured_illuminance, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs absolute *Luminance* calibration of given *RGB* panoramic image using *Lagarde (2016)* method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* panoramic image to calibrate. measured_illuminance : numeric Measured illuminance :math:`E_v`. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Absolute *Luminance* calibrated *RGB* panoramic image. Examples -------- >>> RGB = np.ones((4, 8, 3)) >>> absolute_luminance_calibration_Lagarde2016( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... RGB, 500) array([[[ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...], [ 233.9912506..., 233.9912506..., 233.9912506...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) E_v = upper_hemisphere_illuminance_Lagarde2016(RGB, colourspace) return RGB / E_v * measured_illuminance