Source code for colour_hdri.tonemapping.global_operators.operators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Global Tonemapping Operators

Defines global tonemapping operators objects:

-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_simple`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_normalisation`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_gamma`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_logarithmic`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_exponential`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_logarithmic_mapping`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_exponentiation_mapping`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_Schlick1994`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_Tumblin1999`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_Reinhard2004`
-   :func:`colour_hdri.tonemapping_operator_filmic`

See Also
`Colour - HDRI - Examples: Global Tonemapping Operators Jupyter Notebook

-   :cite:`Banterle2011k` : Banterle, F., Artusi, A., Debattista, K., &
    Chalmers, A. (2011). 3.2.1 Simple Mapping Methods. In Advanced High
    Dynamic Range Imaging (pp. 38-41). A K Peters/CRC Press.
-   :cite:`Habble2010d` : Habble, J. (2010). Filmic Tonemapping Operators.
    Retrieved March 15, 2015, from
-   :cite:`Habble2010e` : Habble, J. (2010). Uncharted 2: HDR Lighting.
    Retrieved March 15, 2015, from
-   :cite:`Reinhard2005c` : Reinhard, E., & Devlin, K. (2005). Dynamic Range
    Reduction Inspired by Photoreceptor Physiology. IEEE Transactions on
    Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(1), 13-24. doi:10.1109/TVCG.2005.9
-   :cite:`Schlick1994` : Schlick, C. (1994). Quantization Techniques for
    Visualization of High Dynamic Range Pictures. Proceedings of the Fifth
    Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, (Section 5), 7-18.
-   :cite:`Tumblin1999c` : Tumblin, J., Hodgins, J. K., & Guenter, B. K.
    (1999). Two methods for display of high contrast images. ACM Transactions
    on Graphics, 18(1), 56-94. doi:10.1145/300776.300783
-   :cite:`Wikipediabn` : Wikipedia. (n.d.). Tonemapping - Purpose and methods.
    Retrieved March 15, 2015, from

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour.constants import EPSILON
from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACES, RGB_luminance
from colour.utilities import as_float_array

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2015-2019 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'log_average', 'tonemapping_operator_simple',
    'tonemapping_operator_normalisation', 'tonemapping_operator_gamma',
    'tonemapping_operator_logarithmic', 'tonemapping_operator_exponential',
    'tonemapping_operator_Schlick1994', 'tonemapping_operator_Tumblin1999',
    'tonemapping_operator_Reinhard2004', 'tonemapping_operator_filmic'

def log_average(a, epsilon=EPSILON):
    Computes the log average of given array.

    a : array_like
        Array to compute the log average.
    epsilon : numeric, optional
        Constant to avoid singularities in computations.

        Array log average.

    >>> log_average(np.linspace(0, 10, 10))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    a = as_float_array(a)

    average = np.exp(np.average(np.log(a + epsilon)))

    return average

[docs]def tonemapping_operator_simple(RGB): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using the simple method: :math:`\\cfrac{RGB}{RGB + 1}`. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Wikipediabn` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_simple(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.3245382..., 0.2601156..., 0.1911532...], [ 0.5830618..., 0.3567839..., 0.2808993...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.8150290..., 0.6831692..., 0.5733340...], [ 0.8683127..., 0.7746486..., 0.6893211...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) return RGB / (RGB + 1)
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_normalisation(RGB, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using the normalisation method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Banterle2011k` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_normalisation(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.1194997..., 0.0874388..., 0.0587783...], [ 0.3478122..., 0.1379590..., 0.0971544...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1.0959009..., 0.5362936..., 0.3342115...], [ 1.6399638..., 0.8549608..., 0.5518382...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) L_max = np.max(L) RGB = RGB / L_max return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_gamma(RGB, gamma=1, EV=0): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using the gamma and exposure correction method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. gamma : numeric, optional :math:`\\gamma` correction value. EV : numeric, optional Exposure adjustment value. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Banterle2011k` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_gamma(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]]), ... 1.0, -3.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.0600585..., 0.0439453..., 0.0295410...], [ 0.1748046..., 0.0693359..., 0.0488282...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.5507817..., 0.2695323..., 0.1679692...], [ 0.8242187..., 0.4296892..., 0.2773447...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) exposure = 2 ** EV RGB = (exposure * RGB) ** (1 / gamma) return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_logarithmic(RGB, q=1, k=1, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using the logarithmic method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. q : numeric, optional :math:`q`. k : numeric, optional :math:`k`. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Banterle2011k` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_logarithmic(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]]), ... 1.0, 25) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.0884587..., 0.0647259..., 0.0435102...], [ 0.2278222..., 0.0903652..., 0.0636376...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.4717487..., 0.2308565..., 0.1438669...], [ 0.5727396..., 0.2985858..., 0.1927235...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) q = 1 if q < 1 else q k = 1 if k < 1 else k L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) L_max = np.max(L) L_d = np.log10(1 + L * q) / np.log10(1 + L_max * k) RGB = RGB * L_d[..., np.newaxis] / L[..., np.newaxis] return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_exponential(RGB, q=1, k=1, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using the exponential method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. q : numeric, optional :math:`q`. k : numeric, optional :math:`k`. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Banterle2011k` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_exponential(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]]), ... 1.0, 25) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.0148082..., 0.0108353..., 0.0072837...], [ 0.0428669..., 0.0170031..., 0.0119740...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.1312736..., 0.0642404..., 0.0400338...], [ 0.1921684..., 0.1001830..., 0.0646635...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) q = 1 if q < 1 else q k = 1 if k < 1 else k L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) L_a = log_average(L) L_d = 1 - np.exp(-(L * q) / (L_a * k)) RGB = RGB * L_d[..., np.newaxis] / L[..., np.newaxis] return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_logarithmic_mapping( RGB, p=1, q=1, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using the logarithmic mapping method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. p : numeric, optional :math:`p`. q : numeric, optional :math:`q`. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Schlick1994` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_logarithmic_mapping(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.2532899..., 0.1853341..., 0.1245857...], [ 0.6523387..., 0.2587489..., 0.1822179...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1.3507897..., 0.6610269..., 0.4119437...], [ 1.6399638..., 0.8549608..., 0.5518382...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) L_max = np.max(L) L_d = (np.log(1 + p * L) / np.log(1 + p * L_max)) ** (1 / q) RGB = RGB * L_d[..., np.newaxis] / L[..., np.newaxis] return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_exponentiation_mapping( RGB, p=1, q=1, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using the exponentiation mapping method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. p : numeric, optional :math:`p`. q : numeric, optional :math:`q`. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Schlick1994` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_exponentiation_mapping(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.1194997..., 0.0874388..., 0.0587783...], [ 0.3478122..., 0.1379590..., 0.0971544...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1.0959009..., 0.5362936..., 0.3342115...], [ 1.6399638..., 0.8549608..., 0.5518382...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) L_max = np.max(L) L_d = (L / L_max) ** (p / q) RGB = RGB * L_d[..., np.newaxis] / L[..., np.newaxis] return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_Schlick1994(RGB, p=1, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using *Schlick (1994)* method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. p : numeric, optional :math:`p`. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Banterle2011k`, :cite:`Schlick1994` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_Schlick1994(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.1194997..., 0.0874388..., 0.0587783...], [ 0.3478122..., 0.1379590..., 0.0971544...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1.0959009..., 0.5362936..., 0.3342115...], [ 1.6399638..., 0.8549608..., 0.5518382...]]]) """ # TODO: Implement automatic *p* and *non-uniform* computations support. RGB = as_float_array(RGB) L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) L_max = np.max(L) L_d = (p * L) / (p * L - L + L_max) RGB = RGB * L_d[..., np.newaxis] / L[..., np.newaxis] return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_Tumblin1999(RGB, L_da=20, C_max=100, L_max=100, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using *Tumblin, Hodgins and Guenter (1999)* method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. L_da : numeric, optional :math:`L_{da}` display adaptation luminance, a mid-range display value. C_max : numeric, optional :math:`C_{max}` maximum contrast available from the display. L_max : numeric, optional :math:`L_{max}` maximum display luminance. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Tumblin1999c` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_Tumblin1999(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.0400492..., 0.0293043..., 0.0196990...], [ 0.1019768..., 0.0404489..., 0.0284852...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.2490212..., 0.1218618..., 0.0759427...], [ 0.3408366..., 0.1776880..., 0.1146895...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) L_w = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) def f(x): return np.where(x > 100, 2.655, 1.855 + 0.4 * np.log10(x + 2.3 * 10 ** -5)) L_wa = np.exp(np.mean(np.log(L_w + 2.3 * 10 ** -5))) g_d = f(L_da) g_w = f(L_wa) g_wd = g_w / (1.855 + 0.4 * np.log(L_da)) mL_wa = np.sqrt(C_max) ** (g_wd - 1) L_d = mL_wa * L_da * (L_w / L_wa) ** (g_w / g_d) RGB = RGB * L_d[..., np.newaxis] / L_w[..., np.newaxis] RGB = RGB / L_max return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_Reinhard2004(RGB, f=0, m=0.3, a=0, c=0, colourspace=RGB_COLOURSPACES['sRGB']): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using *Reinhard and Devlin (2004)* method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. f : numeric, optional :math:`f`. m : numeric, optional :math:`m`. a : numeric, optional :math:`a`. c : numeric, optional :math:`c`. colourspace : `colour.RGB_Colourspace`, optional *RGB* colourspace used for internal *Luminance* computation. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Reinhard2005c` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_Reinhard2004(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]]), ... -10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.0216792..., 0.0159556..., 0.0107821...], [ 0.0605894..., 0.0249445..., 0.0176972...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.1688972..., 0.0904532..., 0.0583584...], [ 0.2331935..., 0.1368456..., 0.0928316...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) C_av = np.array((np.average(RGB[..., 0]), np.average(RGB[..., 1]), np.average(RGB[..., 2]))) L = RGB_luminance(RGB, colourspace.primaries, colourspace.whitepoint) L_lav = log_average(L) L_min, L_max = np.min(L), np.max(L) f = np.exp(-f) m = (m if m > 0 else (0.3 + 0.7 * ( (np.log(L_max) - L_lav) / (np.log(L_max) - np.log(L_min)) ** 1.4))) I_l = (c * RGB + (1 - c)) * L[..., np.newaxis] I_g = c * C_av + (1 - c) * L_lav I_a = a * I_l + (1 - a) * I_g RGB = RGB / (RGB + (f * I_a) ** m) return RGB
[docs]def tonemapping_operator_filmic(RGB, shoulder_strength=0.22, linear_strength=0.3, linear_angle=0.1, toe_strength=0.2, toe_numerator=0.01, toe_denominator=0.3, exposure_bias=2, linear_whitepoint=11.2): """ Performs given *RGB* array tonemapping using *Habble (2010)* method. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* array to perform tonemapping onto. shoulder_strength : numeric, optional Shoulder strength. linear_strength : numeric, optional Linear strength. linear_angle : numeric, optional Linear angle. toe_strength : numeric, optional Toe strength. toe_numerator : numeric, optional Toe numerator. toe_denominator : numeric, optional Toe denominator. exposure_bias : numeric, optional Exposure bias. linear_whitepoint : numeric, optional Linear whitepoint. Returns ------- ndarray Tonemapped *RGB* array. References ---------- :cite:`Habble2010d`, :cite:`Habble2010e` Examples -------- >>> tonemapping_operator_filmic(np.array( ... [[[0.48046875, 0.35156256, 0.23632812], ... [1.39843753, 0.55468757, 0.39062594]], ... [[4.40625388, 2.15625895, 1.34375372], ... [6.59375023, 3.43751395, 2.21875829]]])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.4507954..., 0.3619673..., 0.2617269...], [ 0.7567191..., 0.4933310..., 0.3911730...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.9725554..., 0.8557374..., 0.7465713...], [ 1.0158782..., 0.9382937..., 0.8615161...]]]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) A = shoulder_strength B = linear_strength C = linear_angle D = toe_strength E = toe_numerator F = toe_denominator def f(x, A, B, C, D, E, F): return (( (x * (A * x + C * B) + D * E) / (x * (A * x + B) + D * F)) - E / F) RGB = f(RGB * exposure_bias, A, B, C, D, E, F) RGB = RGB * (1 / f(linear_whitepoint, A, B, C, D, E, F)) return RGB