


NodeConvertRawFileToDNGFile(*args, **kwargs)

Convert given raw file, e.g., CR2, CR3, NEF, to DNG.

NodeReadImage(*args, **kwargs)

Read the image from input path and return its data and metadata.

NodeWriteImage(*args, **kwargs)

Write the input image to input path using the input metadata.

NodeWritePreviewImage(*args, **kwargs)

Write the image at input image path as a preview image.

NodeRemoveFile(*args, **kwargs)

Remove the file at input path.

NodeWatermark(*args, **kwargs)

Watermark the input image using given input metadata.

NodeProcessingMetadata(*args, **kwargs)

Add processing metadata to the input metadata.

NodeReadFileMetadataDNG(*args, **kwargs)

Return the metadata from the input DNG image.

NodeComputeInputTransformDNG(*args, **kwargs)

Compute the input transform from the input metadata using the DNG method.


Compute the input transform from the input metadata using the Camera Sensitivities method.

NodeProcessRawFileRawpy(*args, **kwargs)

Process given raw file, e.g., CR2, CR3, NEF, using Rawpy.

NodeCorrectLensAberrationLensFun(*args, **kwargs)

Correct the input image lens aberrations, i.e., vignette, distortion and chromatic aberration, using LensFun.

NodeDownsample(*args, **kwargs)

Downsample the input image by the input downsampling factor.

NodeApplyInputTransformDNG(*args, **kwargs)

Apply the input transform to the input image using the DNG method.


Apply the input transform to the input image using the Camera Sensitivities method.

NodeCreateBatches(*args, **kwargs)

Create batches from the input array.

NodeCreateImageStack(*args, **kwargs)

Create an image stack from the input files.

NodeMergeImageStack(*args, **kwargs)

Merge to HDRI the input image stack.

NodeNormaliseExposure(*args, **kwargs)

Normalise the exposure of the input images by dividing them by given normalising factor, or automatically derived from the median of the images at given paths and multiplying them by the given scaling factor.



GraphRawProcessingDNG(*args, **kwargs)

Process given raw file, e.g., CR2, CR3, NEF, using the DNG method.

GraphRawProcessingCameraSensitivities(*args, ...)

Process given raw file, e.g., CR2, CR3, NEF, using the Camera Sensitivities method.

GraphMergeHDRI(*args, **kwargs)

Merge the given EXR files to HDRI.

GraphPostMergeHDRI(*args, **kwargs)

Normalise the exposure of the input EXR files at once and write corresponding preview image files.

GraphBatchMergeHDRI(*args, **kwargs)

Batch-merge to HDRI the input files.

GraphHDRI(*args, **kwargs)

Merge to HDRI the input files using the Camera Sensitivities method.